Just Flow Alkaline Water - आल्कलाइन वॉटर को हिन्दी मे क्षारीय पानी कहते है. आल्कलाइन वॉटर या क्षारीय पंनी हुमारे शरीर के PH लेवेल को बॅलेन्स करने मे मदद करता है. pH लेवेल का मतलब है (पवर ऑफ हाइड्रोजन) शरीर मे हाइड्रोजन आयन की एकाग्रता को pH लेवेल कहते है. pH का स्केल 1 से लेकर 14 तक होता है. यदि पानी का pH लेवेल 7 है तो इसे संतुलित मात्रा कहा जाएगा. यदि पानी का पीयेच लेवेल 5 या 4 है तो ये हुमारे स्वस्थ के लिए हानि कारक होता है
Simple & easy way to make Alkaline water at home. Drinking Alkaline water has numerous benefits and one of the main benefit is that it keeps your body pH levels balanced & help fight against deadly diseases like cancer. Some more benefits of drinking Alkaline Water is as follows: -
1. Alkaline water is a powerful antioxidant
2. Alkaline water balances body pH levels
3. Alkaline water helps detoxify the body
4. Alkaline water helps is better hydration
5. Alkaline water b
6. Alkaline water drink helps lose weight
7. Alkaline water prevents the development of diabetes
8. Alkaline water helps fight cancer
oost the immune system2. Alkaline water balances body pH levels
3. Alkaline water helps detoxify the body
4. Alkaline water helps is better hydration
5. Alkaline water b
6. Alkaline water drink helps lose weight
7. Alkaline water prevents the development of diabetes
8. Alkaline water helps fight cancer
Alkaline Jug (Pitcher)
The Alkaline Jug filter gives the user alkaline water benefits. It acts as
an alkaline water ionizer for your tap water turning it into mineral rich
health promoting water which is alkaline in pH and has antioxidant properties.
The Jug comes with 1 cartridge each cartridge will last for 800 liters of
filtered water before requiring replacement. If there is high levels of
hardness then the cartridges may require replacement more frequently.
The alkaline antioxidant Jug is now the most cost effective way for people
to enjoy the benefits of drinking filtered alkaline antioxidant water.
The Jug comes with 1 cartridge each cartridge will last for 800 liters of filtered water before requiring replacement. If there is high levels of hardness then the cartridges may require replacement more frequently.
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